Hotline Miami Biker

Our Hotline Miami Biker guide is exploring what makes the enigmatic character tick. Let’s find out what is hiding underneath the mask.

Hotline Miami Biker: the character Biker appears with their helmet on, against a yellow background

The Hotline Miami Biker is an extremely mysterious character, and not just because of their helmet. Biker appears not only as an opponent but also as a playable character, and there are even questions as to which interpretation of events is actually real. The world of Hotline Miami is a trippy one, so let’s try and make sense of it with this guide.

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Let’s get into our Hotline Miami Biker guide.

Hotline Miami Biker: the character Biker appears against a yellow backrgound, with long green hair and a bloody eye

Who is the Hotline Miami Biker?

The Hotline Miami Biker is the second playable character of Hotline Maimi, after Hotline Miami Jacket. He wears a motorcycle helmet instead of a mask like many other characters, and underneath has long green hair. Biker is calmer than Jacket and exhibits rational behavior, even when acting very violently.

How do I beat Hotline Miami Biker?

You face Biker in Hotline Miami towards the end of the seventh chapter, ‘Neighbours’. In this fight, Biker uses a cleaver and three throwing knives, meaning it’s best to keep your distance and try to avoid projectiles. To defeat Biker, grab the golf club from the bag in the same room as the boss fight, and move quickly to avoid projectiles.

Eventually, Biker throws his cleaver at Jacket, and if the attack misses, Biker moves to retrieve the cleaver, this is when he’s vulnerable. Use the opening to attack Biker with the golf club, do this twice, and you beat Biker.

Hotline Miami Biker: A top-down view shows a scerenshot of the game Hotline Miami featuring the biker

Can you play as Hotline Miami Biker?

Yes, after you complete the main story of Hotline Miami, you unlock Biker’s chapters. They take place before the events of the main game and use a different playstyle. Biker uses a cleaver and three throwing knives, with the throwing knives resetting at each save point.

Is there Hotline Miami Biker cosplay?

Unsurprisingly, there is plenty of fantastic Hotline Miami Biker cosplay. If you want to make your own, YouTube creator and cosplayer Django Fett breaks down an easy and effective version of Hotline Miami Biker cosplay in the video below. Good luck!

YouTube Thumbnail

That’s all we have on Hotline Miami Biker for now, folks, but keep it tuned to Pocket Tactics for all the best guides. For even more Switch content, be sure to check out our articles on the best Switch adventure games and the best Switch RPGs.