Watercolour adventure Dordogne’s release date set for Switch

Dordogne’s release date is not too far away, so we’ll soon have our hands on this watercolour adventure game coming to Nintendo Switch.

Dordogne release date header showing a polaroid photo overlayed in the centre of a watercolour nature scene. In the photo we see an old woman with short hair in a red shirt looking surprised at a young boy with a shaved head pulling his mouth wide with single fingers in each corner.

Dordogne, a new adventure game from Umanimation / Un Je Ne Sais Quoi featuring a unique watercolour art style, is on its way to Nintendo Switch. Published by Focus Entertainment, the game follows the story of Mimi in the standard, story-focused adventure game style.

Mimi is a young woman suffering from amnesia, so she’s on the hunt for childhood memories. With a photo album and Polaroid camera, you explore the present day and past as you put together Mimi’s story.

Un Je Ne Sais Quoi is an animation company, while Umanimation works on various interactive and animated productions. Of course, with the Dordogne release date on the horizon, we still have to wait to see the fruits of the two companies’ labour.

When is the Dordogne release date?

Dordogne’s release date is set for June 13, 2023. The game is coming to Nintendo Switch, as well as Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and Steam. You can check out the most recent trailer below.

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While we wait for Dordogne’s release date, check out our guide to the best cute games on Switch to find something similarly wholesome in the meantime.