Aggro Crab’s Another Crab’s Treasure scuttles onto Switch

There’s Another Crab’s Treasure release date on the way in 2024, with the game coming to Nintendo Switch and other consoles sometime next year.

Another Crab's Treasure release date header showing a crab with a greenblob in one claw and a stick in the other, surrounded by underwater trees and greenery in a cartoony style.

Aggro Crab has set Another Crab’s Treasure release date window for early 2024. The new Switch game features a wacky crab fighting loads of underwater junk, and it looks like a darn silly time. Whatever the opposite is of a fishing game is, this looks like it.

One of the key features highlighted by the Going Under developer is the inclusion of “way too many crabs”. I’m not one to judge how many crabs is too many, but I can’t wait to see the results. Comedy aside, Another Crab’s Treasure looks like a deeper game than its jokes suggest.

The game is a Soulslike adventure, which all happens underwater, as you’d expect. You play as Kril, a hermit crab who needs underwater trash to protect from enemy attacks. You head out on the hunt for treasure and various shells to try on, all while taking on various enemies. Looks funny and fun, which is a nice combo.

When is the Another Crab’s Treasure release date?

Another Crab’s Treasure is set to launch in early 2024, and it’s coming to Nintendo Switch, Xbox, and PC. It’s also coming to Xbox Game Pass on day one, so look forward to that if you subscribe.

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For more beyond Another Crab’s Treasure release date, check out our guide to the best funny games, volleyball games, and Soulslike games to find something similar.