Explore the Amazon from your couch with the Flutter Away release date

The Flutter Away release date was announced during the Wholesome Direct 2023, bringing a relaxing rainforest wildlife experience into your home.

Flutter Away release date: A close-up of the capybara friend from Flutter Away

Grab your camera and a chill playlist because we’re headed to the rainforest with the Flutter Away release date. This new title from Runaway Play creates the perfect opportunity for bug fans to observe and document beautiful butterflies at their own pace, adding to the ever-growing list of wildlife games on offer.

You play as a butterfly researcher taking a five-day trip to the rainforest to “leave nothing but footprints, take nothing but photos, and kill nothing but time.” You make friends with the flora and fauna you find there, including a capybara who becomes an unlikely ally. There are plenty of secrets and hidden objectives to uncover, as quickly or as slowly as you like.

Runaway Play’s CEO Zoe Hobson said, “We hope people really enjoy being able to take a brief, tranquil trip to the Amazon with Flutter Away. Making this announcement during Wholesome Direct is such an amazing honor.”

When is the Flutter Away release date?

Flutter Away floats onto Nintendo Switch and PC on August 3, 2023. You can try out a free PC demo during Steam Next Fest, which runs from June 19 – 26 2023.

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That’s everything you need to know about the Flutter Away release date. If you’re looking for more highlights from this summer’s array of announcements, check out our Summer Games Fest 2023 round-up.