Screw zodiac signs, here’s what your Marvel Snap style says about you

Seeing someone's Marvel Snap style is the best way to look into their personality, from the first-round snappers to those that take an age to end their turn.

Custom image for Marvel Snap etiquette piece with the Living Tribunal, Warp, and Kraven on screen

Whether you like it or not, your Marvel Snap style says a lot about the sort of person you are. This isn’t just my thinking, no, this is the general consensus of Reddit, Twitter, Discord, and, well, just about everywhere else you can find droves of Marvel Snap players willing to give their opinions. Still, you don’t get these stereotypes with many of the other best mobile card games, so I thought I’d do a little digging to see how the Snap community feels about different kinds of players.

Let’s start out with an easy one. If you’re snapping on turn six and never anytime else, you’re probably quite cautious. The whole point of Marvel Snap is to snap early, so you can pick up the maximum cubes if you win. When you snap in turn six, you do little else but telegraph you finally have your winning combo, offering your opponent an easy out. Behavior like this is sacrilege on the Marvel Snap Reddit, and it’s not going to get you far on the ladder to infinity rank either. Be bolder.

On the other hand, if you’re snapping in turn one, who hurt you? Seriously? Few of Marvel Snap’s killer combos rely on just four cards, and even if you draw them, who is to say a Moon Knight isn’t going to come along and force you to discard the most important piece of your play? Unless you’re playing in Conquest mode, where the hot thing seems to be snapping early to avoid 30-minute games, keep your cubes in your pocket and wait to see what your opponent is playing with, or you might just see endless retreating opponents.

Of course, the use of emojis and text prompts can also show what kind of Marvel Snap player you are. If you throw out the fistbump and a ‘Hello!’ at the beginning of the match, then, hey, it looks like we’ve got a new pal. If, instead, you spam ‘Snap?’, the collective Marvel Snap community believes there’s a special place in hell for you, and instead of spamming, why don’t you let me just decide on what I want to play? Huh? What’s the rush? What’s the deal?! Ok, so maybe I spoke from the heart a bit too much then, but really, if I want to snap, I’ll snap, and your spam is going to do little to change that.

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Still, the title of ‘Worst Kind of Marvel Snap Player’ easily goes to the waiters. No, not service staff taking a two-minute break for a quick game in the kitchen, but those who hold off until the final seconds to take their turn. Posts like ‘Nothing is more miserable in this game than playing Conquest against someone who uses the max time every turn’ and ‘My biggest pet peeve in this game is when people needlessly wait for the end turn bar to run out every turn’ on the Marvel Snap Reddit prove just how annoying those who wait can be. So just know, if you’re hanging around until the timer runs out, we’re all judging you and you’re probably a bad person.

There you have it, what your Marvel Snap style says about you according to the internet, and me, someone who has spent far too long trying to read into what an opponent might be saying. To give yourself a better chance of making it to the top ranks, check out our Marvel Snap decks and Marvel Snap cards guides. Or, if you prefer fighting with fists, see our list of the Mortal Kombat 1 characters.