Eternal Evolution tier list

We’ve got the only Eternal Evolution tier list you need to track the heroes worthy of unleashing their true power and saving the world.

Hero from Eternal Evolution tier list faces forward

If it’s an Eternal Evolution tier list you need, you’re in the right place.  Combining wild Apex Legends-style heroes with idle strategy mechanics, this title is all about unleashing your inner powers, and evolving your recruited warriors to become the strongest on the planet, and maybe even the universe. “What recruited warriors?” I hear you ask. Well, all the ones we’re about to cover in our Eternal Evolution tier list, ranking the best of the best without any evolution effects taken into account. As there are a few different types of heroes, from DPS attackers, to support, to defenders, we’ve got a general tier list, as well as individual tables for each class. 

For more like this, see our Apex Legends Mobile tier list, Artery Gear: Fusion tier list, Genshin Impact tier list, and Honkai Star Rail tier list. Or, if you’re looking for a very different kind of evolution, why not check out our picks for either the best Pokémon games, or the best dinosaur games.

Right, let’s see who the best units are in our Eternal Evolution tier list.

Eternal Evolution tier list

As you can see, there are a fair few heroes in the higher ranks in our Eternal Evolution tier list, and it’s worth trying out any of them to figure out your own playstyle. With new characters still set to arrive, and the meta continues to work itself out, we’ll be back to update these rankings regularly. 

Rank Hero
S Crete, Luke, Bailey Hudson, Poluna, Emma, Nadilus, Bohr, Masrani, Zander, Taylor, Hercules, Daniel, Anpu
A Aniruddha, Oak, Serena, Khalazza, Sorietta, Kain Karak, Poluno, Azena, Moriami, Leo, Ravenna, Rickert, Skooer and Hatty, Bot Mark II, Botta, Falvea
B  Kuite, Langel, Muka, Murphyro, Prigor, Artas, Hyupnos, Shenwei, Langel, Na Feng, Oisa, Randall, Rez, Sorvaley, Zaida, Guan Yu, Liran, 
C  Nagrama, Omar, Rakkana
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Eternal Evolution DPS tier list

Choosing a DPS can be tricky, so we’ve ranked them separately:

Rank Hero
S Bailey Hudson, Luke, Nadilus, Poluna
A Khalazza, Omar, Rakkana, Taylor, Zander
B Muka, Murphyo, Orn, Randall, Sorietta
C Bot Mark II, Kar Maw

Eternal Evolution support tier list

For your support roles, here are the best options.

Rank Hero
S Rez
A Hyupnos, Liran, Serena

Eternal Evolution defender tier list

Feeling a little unsafe? Here are the best defender characters.

Rank Hero
S Crete
A Bohr, Hercules, Oak
B Kuite, Langel, Oisa

There you have it, our up-to-date Eternal Evolution tier list. For more fun games that don’t require too much effort, be sure to take a browse through our best idle games list to find your next guilty pleasure.